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🧩 How would your life change if you started trusting yourself?

2 minutes read
About Blank Issue 17 :: Overcoming self-doubt – Photo by: Equator Journal

Self-doubt, or self-trust? choose your own adventure.

Hola 🧩

As you may recall, when you subscribed to this newsletter you received an email that asked the following question:

What is standing between your current life and the life you want to be living?

I've had amazing conversations based on that answer, and this weekend I read one of the most beautiful answers. In a nutshell, her answer was: self-doubt.

I wrote a long email in return since I felt her deeply, and it got me thinking:

How would life shift if you stopped doubting yourself?

Trusting that inside of you lies every single answer that you need.

And ultimately, knowing that leading with YOUR answers is the way to live the life you want to be living.

To not just envision it, but to live it.

It might sound simple because maybe it is that simple: the way to overcome self-doubt is to develop self-trust.


Trusting in your internal ability to use your intuition as your compass that will take you to that vision you want to be living.

It is simple because it’s all that you need.

A map, a path, a plan, a vision: all useless without a compass.

My mantra and centering through these past two years. 

And you, how would you answer that question?👂🏼

Thank you for reading, see you next time!

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Thank you for reading ♡


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